Top 10k strings from Black Crystal (1982)(Carnell Software)(Part 4 of 6).z80
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19 A$="ZENOBI" 18 ;"ZENOBI"; 11 A$="MOVE SOUTH" 11 ;"ABACUS"; 9 A$="MOVE NORTH" 5 O;"DEMON"; 5 A$="MOVE WEST" 5 ;"FOUNTAIN"; 4 A$="MOVE EAST" 3 O;"ZENOBI"; 3 J;"WHAT NOW?" 3 A$="OPEN DOOR" 2 M$(PA)=" " 2 A$="USE KEY" 2 A$="UNLOCK DOOR" 2 A$="RUB LAMP" 2 A$="GET KEY" 2 * BLACK CRYSTAL 2 )="DIAMOND" 2 DIAMONDS 2 ** PURITY 1 ZENOBI=0.3 1 XS+XM,YS+YM;" 1 X$(((XS+XM)*32 1 What now?" 1 WHAT NOW?" 1 TOT=A+AA+C+D 1 THROWNORTHSOUTHCLIMBCLIFFPLANTWATER 1 T(MOV)=T(MOV)+YM 1 T(MOV)+YM=T(SEC) 1 S(MOV)=((P(MOV)-6 1 PRESS ENTER" 1 PA=((P(MOV)-6 1 P(MOV)=P(MOV)+XM 1 P(MOV),T(MOV);M$(S(MOV)) 1 P(MOV),T(MOV);I$ 1 P(MOV)+XM=P(SEC) 1 O;"resurrected you so that you can still help me. Will you go back?" 1 O;"great "; 1 O;"grandfather the Fountain of 1 O;"but not without 1 O;"Welcome visitor. You are just intime to help me. I need gold from my gold mine. I need it to pay rent to that miserly King ofthe Shaggoths. Will you help me?" 1 O;"To pass you must give me the number of the beast"; 1 O;"Please add this up for me." 1 O;"Now give me the number of the beast"; 1 O;"No that cant be right I will tryagain. The answer is ";F(1 1 O;"No sorry its ";F(1 1 O;"I will come with you and solve more problems for you." 1 O;"I give you the number "; 1 O;"I give you ";A 1 O;"Do not resist my power. Call my name and I will spirit you from this place. I have sealed the exits so the king cannot pursue you." 1 O;"ABACUS"; 1 O;":Thats an enchanted mirroryou cannot smash it. You could destroy the earth and the mirrorwould remain unharmed." 1 O;": You will need a key to open the door." 1 O;": You should have brought the axe." 1 O;": You must help, I command you." 1 O;": You do not own that 1 O;": You did not die. I 1 O;": You can only move north." 1 O;": You can only move South." 1 O;": Will you never learn? I am here to help you." 1 O;": What do you think you are doing blockhead? The way outis north." 1 O;": Well done you have sent the Demon of Pointless Tasks back to Hell." 1 O;": Watch that wall twit." 1 O;": Watch out for that wall or you will knock your brains out." 1 O;": Want more? You are greedy." 1 O;": The object of your questwill be found to the South." 1 O;": The king will murder us all if he finds out." 1 O;": The door is bolted from the outside." 1 O;": The answer is ";F(1 1 O;": The Mummy is almost 1 O;": The Mirror of Infinity will transport you to the 1 O;": Thats useless. I know what to do." 1 O;": That is more than the number of the beast. You cannot pass." 1 O;": That is enough gold. now I must do my accounts." 1 O;": That gives me ";A 1 O;": That cant be right try again." 1 O;": Thank you. When you reachthe swamp to the South a path will be revealed to you." 1 O;": Tall Oaks from little acorns grow "; 1 O;": Pay the Dwarf if you value your life." 1 O;": Only the axe can fell a great Oak." 1 O;": Only numbers please." 1 O;": Oh no! he's chopping down the kings golden Oak." 1 O;": Oh love of my life. If you need my help just call my name." 1 O;": Oh hello Ab. Do you like mynew head? Just had it sharpend this morning." 1 O;": Oh dear, I dont want to create a fuss but I cant cope with such large numbers. I am getting on a bit and I have lostsome of my beads." 1 O;": Oh dear me. You startledme. I was having a sleep. I am the kings abacus. I help the king with his accounts. Can I add something for you? Come on, come on, give me a number." 1 O;": Offer him at least two diamonds." 1 O;": Now give me another 1 O;": No! I need more diamonds to pay the rates King Shaggoth charges me for this cave." 1 O;": No not that accursed wordARRRRGGGG 1 O;": Just what do you thinkyou are up to? If you want watersay **PLEASE MAY I HAVE WATER?**It costs nothing to be polite." 1 O;": Its no use rubbing him. His genie vacated long ago." 1 O;": I want diamonds! I need diamonds!" 1 O;": I suggest we move West in search of diamonds." 1 O;": I cannot help you 1 O;": I cannot follow you to the outside world. Goodbye 1 O;": I can see no problems." 1 O;": I am the keeper of the secret path. Give me Diamonds and I will lead you across the swamp. If you have noDiamonds then seek them in the Sea of Sand." 1 O;": How nice. I've always wanted to be set in an enchantedforest just like my great great" 1 O;": How many do you offer me?" 1 O;": How embarrassing. 1 O;": Help you I can." 1 O;": He saved me as well. He even put my beads back." 1 O;": Gora must be desperate sending such a dumbo to search for the ring." 1 O;": Give me a number. Go on give me a number to add." 1 O;": Give him a number and then we might get on with the quest." 1 O;": Get off! That tickles." 1 O;": Get it yourself." 1 O;": Dont go. Please give me a number." 1 O;": Come on. If you cant manage it yourself then let me help. Just call my name." 1 O;" My beads! my beads! I've lost more of my 1 O;" **OFF WITH HIS HEAD!**" 1 N$;". Write down this 1 MOVELIFTTAKEDROPSAVEGOLDEASTWESTCOINBEANFACEOPEN 1 K$(B+AA)=" " 1 J;"underfloor lava central heating." 1 J;"What now?" 1 J;"His magnificent, wise, generous,courageous, modest, merciful " 1 J;" Spacious damp proof cave with " 1 J;" ROOM "; 1 J;" ";R$(A) 1 J;" Only 5 gold bits per week. " 1 GOLD=GOLD+1 1 DIAM=DIAM-A 1 DIAM=DIAM+1 1 COUNT=COUNT+1 1 BLACK CRYSTAL COPYRIGHT CARNELL SOFTWARE 1982 1 B$="PLEASE MAY I HA" 1 A$="WET ACORN" 1 A$="WATER ACORN" 1 A$="USE ACORN" 1 A$="UP TREE" 1 A$="TAKE WATER" 1 A$="TAKE RING" 1 A$="TAKE LAMP" 1 A$="TAKE KEY" 1 A$="TAKE AXE" 1 A$="TAKE ABACUS" 1 A$="SMASH MIRROR" 1 A$="SHIELD FORWARD" 1 A$="PULL RING" 1 A$="PLANT ACORN" 1 A$="OPEN TRAPDOOR" 1 A$="MOVE UP" 1 A$="MOVE DOWN" 1 A$="JUMP DOWN" 1 A$="GROUND" 1 A$="GO UP" 1 A$="GO DOWN" 1 A$="FREE RING" 1 A$="FLOOR" 1 A$="FELL TREE" 1 A$="DOWN TREE" 1 A$="DESCEND TREE" 1 A$="DESCEND STAIRS" 1 A$="CUT TREE" 1 A$="CROSS BRIDGE" 1 A$="CRACK" 1 A$="CLIMB UP" 1 A$="CLIMB TREE" 1 A$="CLIMB STAIRS" 1 A$="CLIMB DOWN" 1 A$="CLIMB DOWN TREE" 1 A$="CHOP TREE" 1 A$="CALL GORA" 1 A$="BREAK MIRROR" 1 ;"Your soul is lost to the dark lands. You have failed in your quest." 1 ;"You sank into the swamp." 1 ;"Wizard." 1 ;"Warrior." 1 ;"WHAT NOW?" 1 ;"Sorceress." 1 ;"Please enter your map reference number: 1 ;"I am the guardian of Kannandrah,the bridge over the lake of fire" 1 ;"Bill stickers will be prosecuted" 1 ;"Are you using a black and white television? Answer Y or N." 1 ;"A Dwarf speaks to you"; 1 ;": You have been killed by aRock snake but I have" 1 ;": Try again." 1 ;": Oh! I've made a mistake You must start again." 1 ;": Hello axe." 1 ;": Good, now you can help mewith the rest of my accounts." 1 ;": Get off! You wont get any-thing out of me. My Genie left years ago." 1 ;": Gasp.... he's climbingthe kings tree." 1 ;": Do something before thatmummy kills both of us.": 1 ;": 666: You have given me the number of the beast, you may cross." 1 ;" CAVE TO LET "; 1 ;" BLACK CRYSTAL " 1 ;" YOU HAVE MADE A MISTAKE. 1 202020202020202020202020201820202020202020201320202020202015141220202020202016201120202020202017207 20201020202020204 20209 2020205 2 1 3 6 8 20202020202020202020 1 )="TAKE ACORN" 1 )="MOVE SOUTH" 1 )="CUT DOWN" 1 )="CHOP DOWN" 1 )+T(MOV)+YM+1 1 )+T(MOV)+1 1 "through a gap in the door to" 1 "leaving you only one exit to theSouth." 1 "free the latch. The door opens with a crash. The king of the Shaggoths falls through the doorand tumbles down the stairs." 1 "Zenobi's impish little face." 1 "Your map referance number is: " 1 "You stand before the Sea of SandUse keyS 1 1 "You see tears running down" 1 "You see stairs leading up and infront of you a locked door." 1 "You see an axe" 1 "You see a key. "; 1 "You see a golden abacus standingon the floor." 1 "You see a genies lamp." 1 "You see a Demon. It speaks to you:" 1 "You must collect some water 1 "You manage to get your hand" 1 "You have wedged the acorn into the crack." 1 "You have the key. "; 1 "You have the axe." 1 "You have a golden acorn." 1 "You fall down a pit and land with a jolt in a large cavern. The only exit lies north." 1 "You do not have an acorn." 1 "You come to the top of the 1 "You cant reach." 1 "You are still up the tree." 1 "You are slowly drawn into the mirror. You find yourself movingthrough infinity, a black time- less void. Suddenly you come to rest on a stone floor within thedimly lit treasure chamber." 1 "You are now owner of a genies lamp. "; 1 "You are now facing the gold mineUse the arrow Keys 5 to 8 to digfor gold. Press Key 1 to begin but beware of the terrible flesheating Rock Snakes and the foolsgold." 1 "You are in a tunnel leading 1 "You are in a large cavern. The only exit leads south to the bridge. The cavern is empty 1 "You are in a large cavern. The only exit is to the north." 1 "You are in a cavern with only one exit. On the wall you see a notice. It reads:" 1 "You are in a cave filled with mummiefied bodies. A tunnel 1 "You are facing the swamp. Use Keys 1 to 8 to move across." 1 "You are down the tree." 1 "You are at the top of the tree." 1 "You are at Sanctuary. You can see a tunnel to the south and a tunnel to the north. "; 1 "Where do you wish to plant the acorn?" 1 "Well done you have found enough inner strength to resist the Demon of pointless tasks but youare still in trouble 1 "Type in reply and then press ENTER." 1 "To the north you see a bridge over a river of molten rock. To the east you see a tunnel leading to another cave."; 1 "To the South you see a tunnel surrounded by a swamp. To the West you see a tunnel with a notice on the wall:" 1 "To enter the sea press Key 5. Togo back press key 8." 1 "To continue your adventure find and load map 1." 1 "The ring is wedged tightly in the crack. Pulling will do no good." 1 "The mummy tries to follow you but it sinks into the swamp." 1 "The last cry you hear is the king of the Shaggoths shouting "; 1 "The great tree falls and its acorns grow into a forest of golden Oaks." 1 "The door slams shut and you can hear the king of the Shaggoths on the other side chuckling to himself." 1 "The door opens and you walk intothe treasure room. In the room you see a fountain, an oak tree with golden acorns and wedged ina crack in the wall you find the Ring of Time." 1 "The cave fades away and you findyourself outside." 1 "The cave begins to collapse" 1 "The acorn begins to grow. The wall cracks and then explodes. You are now master of the Ring of Time." 1 "The abacus stops you." 1 "The abacus screams:" 1 "The abacus pulls at you." 1 "The abacus falls over the edge of the stairs. You can hear the abacus screaming:"; 1 "The Mummy strangles you to death" 1 "The Fountain gives you water." 1 "THROW","NORTH","SOUTH","CLIMB","CLIFF","PLANT","WATER" 1 "Press Key 5 to continue. Press Key 8 to go back." 1 "MOVE","LIFT","TAKE","DROP","SAVE","GOLD","EAST","WEST","COIN","BEAN","FACE","OPEN" 1 "MOVE SOUTH" 1 "Its no use. The door is locked. King Shaggoth is still trying torecover from his fall and he is making sure it does not happen again." 1 "Gora speaks to you:" 1 "FOUNTAIN" 1 "Exits: "; 1 "CROSS BRIDGE" 1 "Another tree falls and more growup." 1 "A tree grows in the fountain and the fountain is not pleased." 1 "A mummy comes to life and confronts you." 1 "A large Oak springs up." 1 "A giant block of crystal appearsand cuts you off from the bridgeWithin the crystal you see the dark shape of a demon. The demonspeaks:" 1 "20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","18","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","13","20","20","20","20","20","20","15","14","12","20","20","20","20","20","20","16","20","11","20","20","20","20","20","20","17","20","7","20","20","10","20","20","20","20","20","4","20","20","9","20","20","20","5","2","1","3","6","8","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20","20" 1 "**SOUTH"; 1 "**NORTH"; 1 stairs. You can hear voices. Above you is a trapdoor." 1 spirited you away from the 1 south. You cannot move north dueto a bottomless pit. "; 1 number, you will need it." 1 number to add to the first." 1 leads South. "; 1 indestructable. I suggest we retreat back across the swamp." 1 holding your shield forward." 1 front of you is the cavern at the bottom of the pit." 1 friend I will miss you." 1 except for a large mirror fixed into the north wall." 1 amount of diamonds." 1 against a Demon." 1 Treasure Chamber. To use the mirror you must create a reflec-tion within a reflection by 1 TRY AGAIN. 1 Shaggoths. In this room in the Treasure Chamber I have set up Sanctuary. The stairway is King Shaggoths secret route to the Treasure Room." 1 Royal Highness 1 Remember, if anybody passes I'm not with you." 1 King Shaggoth. 1 Eternal Youth." 1 BEWARE OF SAND SHARKS " 1 Applications to